Norma Jane Eagleton

As someone who experiences the world in a very physical and animated way, I naturally gravitated to a very tactile art form. My energy and enthusiasm run from my fingers to my pieces and they are a reflection of what makes me happy. You will find my work to be centered around simple form, color, and a sprinkle of playfulness - a continuation of childhood imagination and experimentation. I primarily make functional pieces - I am drawn to the intersection of beauty and function. Creating something beautiful that also functions as something useful is an active challenge and ultimately rewarding. Within that space, I am allowed to experiment, fail, succeed and laugh at myself. All of those things are important to my happiness and growth as a human.

You can find me at Red Heat Ceramics in Tulsa, Oklahoma as a staff member and member artist. As staff, I am responsible for firing the gas kiln, assisting classes, planning events, and website management.

When I was younger, I was a competitive volleyball player and I used to sit by the wall and practice my volleyball form for hours, days, weeks. Throwing pottery activates that same part of my brain that thrives on determination and repetition. When I sit down and start throwing 25 of the same form, I am transported back to those times in my room setting a volleyball against the wall for hours. This centers me and opens my mind for deep contemplation, reflection, and joy.